Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great Easter this year. We went to church and then to see family. I had sharing time for Primary and it went really well. The best part is knowing that I don't have to do it again for another month!!! Then we went to Grandpa and Grandma Hensley's for the annual Easter egg hunt. My Grandpa hides all of the eggs in their yard and the 3 surrounding yards. He also writes how much each egg is worth. When the hunt is all over you get to go and show him your eggs and collect your money! We always looked forward to this when we were younger.
Before they let us go wild on our hunt, my Grandma wanted a picture of all of her kids with their children. She also wanted a picture of all of her Grandchildren and great grandchildren. We barely even fit in the picture!Here's me and all of my siblings with my parents!
Here's all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren!

Well now that I am married and older, we just get to help the younger kids. I helped Brooklyn this year and we did great. We found one of the $1.00 eggs. My Grandpa only puts out a few of those. When Brooklyn was done she went and cashed out and she had made a little over $2. Now that is a ton of money, especially when you're six! Nate found two $1 eggs and Brianna found one also. They were all pretty excited!
The girls with their $1 eggs
Nate ready to go
The girls and Paislee. Paislee found a ton of eggs!

After the egg hunt we headed up to Will's family in Farmington. We had hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner and they were DELICIOUS! The kids had to leave a few minutes after we got there so I didn't get any pictures of them going on their treasure hunt. Their treasure was the movie, The Tale of Desperaux (I think). It was a great Easter and I hope everyone else had a great one too!


whitey said...

What great fun you all had, just think in a year little Ruby will there on her first hunt.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such a great Easter! Next year will be awesome for you guys with your little girl!