Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sleeping Through the Night

I just wanted to let everyone know my good news!!! Ruby has now been sleeping through the last 3 nights. She goes to bed at 9:30 and gets up at 6:30. Thank Goodness (hopefully she keeps it up)!


whitey said...

NO WAY!! How did you do it?

Lindsey said...

You are so lucky!! That is great.

Travis and Kira Evans said...

That is awesome. Nice job Ruby! :)

"Jo" in many sizes said...

already? wow...I'll bring my newbie over for you to train! She is beautiful, again!

Sariah said...

Finally?! She's not THAT old! I don't know that you've suffered quit long enough with it yet.


Good baby! Oh, have you just felt like a new women? That deserves a pat on the back for Ruby and a congrats to you!

Kare Bear said...

Your kidding! Lucky for you but no fair! Both my girld didn't sleep fully through the night until 14 months old! Awful nights those were.......

Natalie said...

That's so nice! Sadie started sleeping through the night at about 6 weeks too. It was heaven. I've decided some kids just have a "good sleeper" personality. She's been amazing ever since then, too, so hopefully you're set!

Jake and Sharee said...

Wow that is SO awesome!!! Way to go Ruby:) Oh and I love her pics, she is SO dang cute!