Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Holidays

Christmas was so fun! Ruby knew what was happening and she loved it. Seth just followed her lead and went along with it. Ruby loved Santa this year and Seth didn't care either way. Ruby helped me put up the tree and decorate. Her and Seth loved the little nativity set and they played with it a ton. When I was taking Christmas down, I had to go back to their toy box to find all of the pieces. We did our normal thing this Christmas. We had a ton of parties and then we did Christmas Eve at my parents house and then Christmas day at Will's parents house.
1st time seeing Santa this year
The kids loved the balloons. Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Ruby kept telling us that Santa was going to talk to her when he brought the presents. So we had to remind her that Santa was so busy that night and that he was just going to come and drop of the presents and then leave, all while she was asleep. So then on Christmas Eve, she kept telling everyone that Santa was busy and that he wasn't coming at all:) Well Santa definitely did come!

Look what Santa brought :)

The biggest hit this year was the Little Tikes Car and play tent that the kids got together. Some other things Seth got were: an elephant that pops out balls, a construction set, a computer, a monkey pillow pet, cars, a train set, and more stuff. Ruby got: a Dora doll and cell phone, an iPod shuffle, a ladybug pillow pet, dance tutu's, blocks, a pink stroller for her 2 babies (she asked for this every time she talked to Santa), dinosaurs, and more... They both got some movies and other stuff in their stockings too. It was great!!!

Ready to go and see if Santa came....

Will thinks Seth's ears poke out.... hence the Dumbo Picture :)

Good ole Abe!

Presents from each other. Ruby loves her brother!

Going to church

2011 has been good to us! The biggest thing was that Seth was brought into our lives. Will also started a new job that has been great for our him and our little family. And the last big thing, was that Will got a new motorcycle :) We have been so blessed this year! On New Year's Eve we didn't do much. We went and got some dinner from Texas Roadhouse, and then at 9 we went out and yelled Happy New Year and did some poppers. We did it early cause it was Ruby's bedtime :) Seth missed all of the fun, cause he was already in bed. Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

I'll be 3 this year!

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